Ideas in sieve & Enjoying dissatisfaction : Chronicle 49

Some are ideas borrowed from C. Dantzig. Let them circulate.

Some people have the nerve to sit at your desk. They shouldn’t. It’s hurtful, right?


Some travellers do everything not to discover.


Wimps’ goal is to kill others’ happiness.


“Americans are conscientious, Italians are spontaneous, French are abstract, Irish are friendly, Canadians are quiet”… Really??


“Malheureux peut-être l’homme, mais heureux l’artiste que le désir déchire !”, writes Baudelaire. How to translate this?

“Sad, maybe the man, but happy the artist torn by desire”

Thus a dissatisfied enjoys his dissatisfaction.



“Greed is a panic. Sport is a panic. Frivolity is a panic. Snobbery is a panic. Careerism is a panic. Panic disguises itself under the name of passion”.


One has tact because they are kind-hearted.


Malevolent meticulousness


Boring distractions. Odd-jobs.


Verbs with “tear”

  1. To tear (move down fast) : dévaler
  2. To tear (become torn) : se déchirer
  3. To tear (from, or to distress) : déchirer
  4. To tear (pull up, wrench) : arracher
  5. To tear along (move quickly) : filer
  6. To tear apart (or to pieces, to shreds, or up) : déchiqueter, dépecer, mettre en lambeaux
  7. To tear apart (or down) (give negative opinions) : démolir, démonter, casser, éreinter, descendre en flammes
  8. To tear away (or off) : s’arracher, se tailler, se barrer
  9. To tear into (scold) : s’en prendre à quelqu’un
  10. To tear into (open package/rip apart) : ouvrir un paquet violemment
  11. To tear open : déchirer un emballage
  12. To tear out (remove by ripping) : déchirer (une page par exemple)
  13. To tear through : avaler, dévorer un livre, finir un travail
  14. Tear up the rulebook : désobéir aux règles
  15. Tear you hair out : s’arracher les cheveux
  16. Wear and tear, ohhhh

This is one reason (with idioms, pronunciation) why English is hard.

Have a nice day! Bon dimanche !

God is coming and is she pissed!


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