Is “to exist” adhesion or emergence?


My poor structural brain just found a bone to chew on.

It’s… because I bought a philosophy book named “Vivre en existant” : to live by existing.

So here are verbs, three of them for a triangle :

to live – to be – to exist

Let’s play. There’s adhesion, or grip, to life. But curiously the word “EXIST” is like a tree :

  • To be, to continue to be, to persist
  • To be real, to be present
  • To have life, to live, to be able to live
  • To have the ability to be known, recognized, understood

There are more in

Etymology gives something more.

From Latin existere/exsistere: “to step out, stand forth, emerge, appear”.

And in a way we all know that to live is to de-coincide with me, it is to emerge into the world. To operate, maybe?

There’s something like: to live is adhesion, fitting to what “is”, but to live by existing is to detach, unstick, take off.

The singularity of the experience.


All this mess is linked to other words, like “possibility”. I immediately thought about Deleuze’s becoming.

To find differences, and to begin multiple processes of transformation.

  • To think differently, but how?
  • What do we do with the unpredictable?
  • What is the effort to create a future that differs from the present?
  • Can we dream our own dreams, but how to get out of the trap they are, if they remain dreams?

Human life is ordered, classified, distributed, and managed: how can we shape possibilities?

Deleuze “becoming” is not to imitate something, it’s to get out of our “territories”, invent new plugs, quit the always-predictable to evolve in “becoming mode”. And for a day or an hour, you become a cat, a doctor, a wolf, a mother, a cook, a stone, etc.

The magic is the word “and” instead of the word “be”, ungrip and unhook from “I am this I do this”, to let propositions happen, to watch what is singular, or intense.

Will we make a web, will we bark, will we gather food like squirrels, will we be a child, for an afternoon? Will I become minoritarian for a day?


Told you, it’s a mess!

All this because of the “ex” is exist, “to stand forth”, hmmm.

What do you think?

Thanks for reading!

Middle of life & Refusal of continuous evolving plan

“In the middle of the journey of our life”, writes Dante in the beginning of his Inferno.

Roland Barthes uses this to think about the feeling of being in the middle of our life.

After an event which determines the start of the second part of life, some rest then they go on, repeating what they did before, maybe slowly withdrawing from action. Acedia (Wiki : “a state of listlessness or torpor, of not caring or not being concerned with one’s position or condition in the world”) is not necessarily a bad thing.

Let me fall into a quiet clean living space

Others will feel the coming of the end of life – or at least, that they begin the second part – and choose, like after a tremor, to change something.

Life of course, but also elements of it, things like beliefs, methods, ways of writing are subject to mutations.

In fact, one can feel this need anytime, not “in the middle of life” (which becomes, then, one trigger).

Who never felt “la lassitude de n’être que soi”? The weariness of being only oneself…

Something suddenly has to be done (and we should probably also list the triggers). What’s and how is it discontinuous?

  • sinuous – bends
  • defectoring – big changes
  • lives using turnarounds – doing the contrary for certains things
  • metamorphosis – another skin, way of seeing things
  • displacements – moving places, moving where we act
  • growing by stages – learning, opening
  • risks – uncertainties, voluntary skidsideslips, waverings
  • seeking freedoms – explorations
  • re-inventions – mutations

and having said that, at the same time, staying truthful & faithful (to ourselves).

  1. Choose solutions
  2. Invent solutions

Thanks for reading!

Don’t ask me who I am and don’t ask me to stay the same.

M. Foucault

See also (Google it) “Becoming Deleuze”. For example :

“Becoming-” is a process of change, flight, or movement within an assemblage. Rather than conceive of the pieces of an assemblage as an organic whole, within which the specific elements are held in place by the organization of a unity, the process of “becoming-” serves to account for relationships between the “discrete” elements of the assemblage. In “becoming-” one piece of the assemblage is drawn into the territory of another piece, changing its value as an element and bringing about a new unity.

Continue reading

To consider the world like something to decipher

“To consider the world like something to decipher”, says Gilles Deleuze, “to be mindful to signs is a gift”.

Decipher is a splendid word, right? What’s the engine?

  • We are structuralists (we find some knowledge on systematic structures)
  • We are phenomenologists (we find some knowledge on pure experience)

Hey, maybe we’re post-structuralists (doesn’t that sound good?)!

Here’s Wikipedia :

A post-structuralist approach argues that to understand an object (e.g., a text), it is necessary to study both the object itself and the systems of knowledge that produced the object.


So when we watch a person, an object, a text, as we globally function with analogies, we seek structures, skeletons inside. And then we watch something else…

Therefore if a new teacher enters the room, we quickly seek, we try to decipher if he’s a Type (an Archetype?) – is he a Boss, a Preacher, a Guide? Are his ways chaotic, structured? What’s his pace?

We seek structures, but also we notice. What do we notice? Signs.

What do we expect? What is disappointment, here? How do we offset against disappointment?

Proust says he has a burden : for him, things (persons, events, anything) HAVE TO recall him something else – or have to make him imagine something else.

Let’s call it the addiction of links.

All this, because we seek. We need to decipher.

Effort of the will is not enough – Deleuze mentions “Those truths of the intelligence that lack the claw of necessity”.

What do you think?






Proust quote : “Time, in order to become visible, seeks bodies…

“Le Temps qui d’habitude n’est pas visible, qui pour le devenir cherche des corps et, partout il les rencontre, s’en empare pour montrer sur eux sa lanterne magique”.

Time, in order to become visible, “seeks bodies and everywhere encounters them, seizes them to cast its magic lantern upon them”.

Marcel Proust, quoted by Gilles Deleuze in “Proust and Signes”



Assemblage & consequences

There’s a “Deleuze and Guattari” Twitter account that I love.

Those two (a philosopher and a psychotherapist) wrote books like Anti-Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980) – which is the biggest seeds tank I’ve ever seen.

I love the Twitter account because they daily lay Deleuzian sentences like “A housewife sings to herself, as she marshals the antichaos forces of her work” – which you can take jargonistically humourously or try to link it to some truth.

(Which is always the same with these guys. You could be flabbergasted by 1000 Plateaus, a crazy & enthralling book, where delirious stands alongside genius).

Today I found this :

An assemblage is an increase in the dimensions of a multiplicity that necessarily changes in nature as it expands its connections

There’s a little pattern, a structure map here, if you puncture the gibber…

Assemblage? I thought about these houses in Seattle, de-foundationned and put on huge boats, sold and… deterritorialized (this to avoid awful prizes, which climb a lot because of Amazon).

Therefore a territory (a house) put on another territory (another terrain). With all consequences : is it fragilized? What about the light (the course of the sun)? Are there new foundations?

You’ll find also articles on the web about… floating houses. Big, normal, American size houses which you can move because they float on water. And there’s plenty of water in Seattle!

Assemblage. Where do you apply this? The building of a porch behind a house, of course, but in the spirit of mind? Or in Art? Assemblage of poetry and marketing? The beginning of a team, or a couple? Old and new architecture?

What do you put together? Things of same nature (is it a must?)? What does is bring? Do you make one thing from the twos? Or does a frontier, a line, stays as a mark, a scarf? What is graft? A transplant? What is dangerous? Rejections? What are the connections? Doors? Different natures of doors? Changing ones?


Have fun! Thanks for reading!

index.jpg    1184882456_small.jpg


A to B : Frontiers & Movements

Deterritorialization is a funny tool/dial to use!


Paths of Iron & Supple Escapes

“No one knows what the body can do”


Railroad. In French we say le “Chemin de Fer” : “Path of Iron”.

Deleuze, the philosopher, used to talk about a “between people geography”, links made of hard lines, supple lines, escape lines…



Well, that makes sense : we are surrounded by powers, who want us to stay on paths of iron, right? “Obey! Rules are made for you too! It’s dangerous outside!”.

But desires and grapes of possibilities transform our lives in (oh a new word!) an unremitting evolution of connections.

Paths of Iron are there : what you’re told to do (education, instruction, social obligations). We follow and we have to. Laws and contracts and pressures.

But we watch outside, by the window, we dream and play with possibilites. And about what the body can do…



Supple, subtle, little : now we talk about what happens “under”, in small moments : the small magic, the unpredictable.

In a company, under the schedules and duties, people (and bodies) never cease to dream, to change, to try, to escape control, to invent, to dig little tunnels. Lines of life! A smile, a gesture, tiny cracks (see the light?), a triangle of sun on a table, a seventeen words conversation…

Haecceity! A dance, or a resistance. Denying iron!

We are a group of different speeds and slownesses, an individual, a singularity, constantly inventing grapes of possibilities, a play of forces or encounters. Lines, new lines, inventions.



We can’t grow if we don’t escape, if we don’t walk out of the paths of iron. We all have our ways to do that : knowledge, hunting, exploring, trying…

One escape line can last one minute or two weeks or a life. An on our own becoming…

Fuir -> To Flee/To Leak – a #Deleuze word game


c’est toujours sur une ligne de fuite qu’on crée, certes pas parce qu’on imagine ou qu’on rêve, mais au contraire parce qu’on y trace du réel, et que l’on y compose un plan de consistance. Fuir, mais en fuyant, chercher une arme.

it’s always on an escape line that we create, not because we imagine or because we dream, but in the contrary because we trace some real life on it, and because we arrange a consistency. To flee, but in fleeing, to seek a weapon.



Thanks for reading!



(thanks to Pierre Ansay – may Deleuze’s tools spread)



Gilles Deleuze quote : “Lodge yourself on a stratum…

“This is how it should be done: lodge yourself on a stratum, experiment with the opportunities it offers, find an advantageous place on it, find potential movements of deterritorialization, possible lines of flight, experience them, produce flow conjunctions here and there, try out continuums of intensities segment by segment, have a small plot of new land at all times.”

Gilles Deleuze



Instagram : zennovaart


Electric Potential

Deleuze says that words are old and that we write to try to create electric potentials : between these, “something can pass”, a lightning who comes from language, who will show us what was hidden by dust.

Maybe love is based on that, right? A link based on differences…

I like to write in English because it’s not my language, I have to search for words, and if I’m casual I try to invent some. I HOPE it feels a bit non-OK-but-I-get-it.

You can consider the idea of “translation” this way. I remember that Brian de Palma was obsessed by other movies. Then he translated his way, making Blow Out (a guy records sounds and accidentaly maybe gets a shotgun) from Blow Up (a photographer takes pics in a park and realizes there’s a body). Changing an element to see what we find.

For this, inventing a freedom and a casualness is necessary. If I think too much, I would never write in English, because I know it’s… not good. But I don’t care : I find ideas and I share. Some days, I know it triggers other ideas in readers, or it plugs with another thinker’s mind, and voilà! I’m happy!

Sometimes life’s like a puzzle. A sentence in a blog can be a little piece of the puzzle, or a little tool to change it. Use it, steal it, reframe it : this is what I did too, before.

Ideas have to circulate, maybe spread.

Have a good day!


We always write to give birth to free life where she’s jailed, to draw flee lines. For this, language must not be an homegenous system but an unbalancement, always heterogenous : style digs differences of potentials in it it, between which something can pass, happen, a fast lightning who will comes out of the language itself, and will show us and make us think about what stood in the shades around words, these entities we didn’t even know they were existing…

Lie Lowing & Sliding out of assignations…

Ahhhh I like this Deleuzian pattern. Here it is :


I have a friend who is always very angry towards the world, how people act, how they entertain, against politics and laws and books. He has a big radar for bullshit.

Most of the time I agree! But I go back to this Tolstoyian question : “Que faire ?”. What do you do? What should you do?

The paths of actions here are numerous : rage, denunciation, analysis, destruction, symbolic acts, militancy or policital career. You go girl! Change the world!


Against bad management I hear friends who fight back with huge strength, lawyers and big energy. Their colleagues scream : “You make a rod for your own back!” (or else they crash down. Tears or depression. It is a way out!). They can… Pyrrhicly win!


The Type we watch here is the Offensive Resistance Fighter.

What counts for them? FACTS. Action.


In war time, in front of the Nazis occupiers, these people wouldn’t have last an afternoon. The Big Rule for resistance is to lie low.

I love that in English “to lie” means “not tell the truth” but also “to recline”, to be on the ground, hiding, undiscovered. Se faire oublier, we way in French : To make yourself forgotten…


Invent your (inner or not) clandestine world, dig burrows (with many entrances), shape your camouflages, fool the chieves and the idiots.

Sliding out of assignations, because you become a nomad, killing obedient roles and solid-frozen “identities” (labels). Leaking. Being between, and moving all the time. Find what you have to do, and do it. Including : loom strongly from nowhere and hit – or disorient. That’s funny!

Don’t expect to meet friends in this forest, Waldgänger. But you will, eventually.


Thanks for reading!



“Haecceity” : it’s about Labels on your Forehead

14 Ways of Disappearing

Waldgänger uses the forest

What to Do With Stupid Orders

Organizing Withdrawal

Article dedicated to Pierre Ansay


A possible Machine-Manifesto for afrenchtoolbox

Here’s to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here’s to the hearts that ache
Here’s to the mess we make

She told me
“A bit of madness is key
To give us new colors to see


I could use a deleuzian concept for this blog : Machine… a word Gilles Deleuze used for S/Z of Roland Barthes, too. Those who know, will know.

My blog is a Machine, an entity which swallows things, ideas, concepts, memories, sights, life, quotes, website. Anything can enter my blog and will potentially come out a few paragraphs later like a little candypoo.

The machine itself is a bit quirky :

  • It’s changing all the time
  • It’s casual (because I’m an amateur, and… “I’ve seen things…”)
  • It’s multi-faceted
  • It contains plenty of little engines


Many little engines are indeed running in operation here.

  • Recycler (I use old letters, emails, diary, even my own blog)
  • Thief (I steal concepts from many books or articles, and I built up two bookshelves of “books with seeds” for this purpose).
  • Many mouths (sociology, music, art, psychology, parenting, etc).
  • Antennas. To guess.
  • Combiner that links ideas that should never be linked.
  • Microscope that searches tools, structures, patterns, skeletons.
  • Translation : I’m French and I write in English on purpose. Like a “necessary displacement”, an important decenterization. I needed it.
  • Collecting : I like to gather ideas like seashells, which will in the end draw something, globally.
  • Blender mixing concepts or domains to see what spillspurts out.
  • Frenchiness : I don’t work that much, I’m casual and I like to define my own rules. I’m disobedient. And certainly not steady. And I judge. Ohlalaaaaa.
  • A bunch of tools : a map drawer, a mirror, a fences jumper, a rules eroder, a veiled referencer.
  • Hydra : A child having fun. A storyteller. A thinker. A lover. A father. A bookseller.
  • Inchoater (“don’t finish, please, and let it opened”).
  • Grid : most of the time unappropriate, to see what it can see.
  • Energy. It’s been provided – at the beginning – by the golden knowledge that a splendid high-level of conversation can exist. It stayed in the machine, like a burning core. This core radioactivate a wave : SHARE.


This machine held me alive for a long time! Today it’s a part of me. A daily one. I’m this machine. I like to blog!

Most of the time, everything I put in it helps me to know who I am, what I want, what I’ve been through, what I wish, what makes me smiles.

This article was the meta-article of the month, yeyyyy.

Is your blog a machine too? What is YOUR machine made of? Do you need to decenter too? Why?


Have a great day!


Here’s to the mess we make


Instagram : bodylanguage


Pecking ways & means of apprehend a work of art

#French #Blogging in #English : un Songe

Finder Keeper Sharer, “What is my blog about?”



Everybody’s talking about “golden voices”. But don’t you hear, when Emma Stone speaks at the beginning of the clip, that her voice is made of silver?? There’s a veil. It’s silver. Period.

#Deleuze about classification

“All classifications belong to this style; they are mobile, modifiable, retroactive, boundless, and their criteria vary from instance to instance. Some instances are full, others empty. A classification always involves bringing together things with different appearances and separating those that are very similar. That is the beginning of the formation of concepts.”

“Toutes les classifications sont de ce genre : elles sont mobiles, varient leurs critères suivant les cases, sont rétroactives et remaniables, illimitées. Certaines cases sont très peuplées, d’autres vides. Il s’agit toujours dans une classification de rapprocher des choses très différentes en apparence, et d’en séparer de très voisines. C’est la formation des concepts.”

Gilles Deleuze, Le Cerveau, c’est l’Ecran, in “Deux Régimes de Fous”.


#minimalism #minimalist #minimalistic #minimalistics #minimal #insect #minimalobsession #photooftheday #minimalninja #instaminim #minimalisbd #simple #simplicity #keepitsimple #minimalplanet #love #instagood #minimalhunter #minimalista #minimalismo #beautiful #art #lessismore #simpleandpure #negativespace



Fuir -> To Flee/To Leak – a #Deleuze word game

Fuir is a French verb, well, TWO French verbs, which are homonyms :

  1. Fuir : To flee
  2. Fuir : To leak

Therefore, it’s the same for “la fuite”, two homonyms :

  1. Fuite : a flight, an escape
  2. Fuite : a leak

So I suppose you understand it’s a bit “weaved” in our French brain. And if I ask “Fuite” in, I find interesting things to prove it :

  • Fuite de capitaux : Capital flight (a leak, a flee)
  • Fuite des cerveaux : Brain drain (idem)
  • Ligne de fuite : Convergence line (in French, so, more like “a lign of flight”)

Gilles Deleuze is a playful philosopher. He likes to play with concepts to make tools.

He notices that to flee is NOT to renounce, or to give up, it’s a real action. To fly away is going on a line which stays like a symbol. It’s fuir (to flee) but also faire fuir (to “make a leak”). To run away is sometimes like to puncture the place you leave. You leave a hole, maybe… Therefore, a leak…

Fuir/Fuir : Flee/Leak.

Yeah I know, it’s a game of words, but it can give birth to ideas, right?

I like this idea too : to run away is to draw a line. Where you ran away, you have to do something else, the place you “leaved” (OK, left) does something else too. Flee as a disturbance. Each of them draws new lines, more lines. It’s like inventing new maps. To flee is quitting a territory A to go to another territory (B). Is it a “go back”? A flee & discovery? If there’s a leak on B, what is its nature? What happens, then? Can the runaway bird be replaced? By what? If you fly away, are you forced by something, pushed away, is it a choice?

More Territories games : you can see here.

Have a good day!



Deterritorialization is a funny tool/dial to use!

Deterritorialization (game : try to say it) is a concept invented by Gilles Deleuze (a French philosopher) in the seventies.

Of course it’s just a “concept”, a little tool or a grid you can use to study anything which, you think, is concerned by it.

As you’re a thinker, it’s a game for you.

Deterritorialize yourself, it means you quit some habits, rules, sedentarity. You go out.

Maybe it’s simple : because you travel abroad! But maybe because your own territory is moving, changing, disappearing too.

A new love story is a double-deterritorialization : each one, meeting a new personality, is changing, has to adapt, dances, unfolds possibilities and wonders, has to watch the other one, who is changing too, in a similar way : interested, moved and fascinated. Deterritorialized…

The funny part is that each lover meets a moment when he or she goes visit the other one’s house or apartment. Another… territory. You are blissfully (I hope) lost on a REAL new territory.

Of course, a deterritorialization is also often a reterritorialization. You go back on your field (before you’re tempted again, because it’s enriching, right?), where you regroup, you find yourself back, and you also begin to THINK : because you are different now, enriched, you gained experience : your inner frontiers have moved, you learned, your inner reterritorialization shows you new inner boundaries, it’s a new you, a new territory you live in.

Of course, you can live a micro-deterritorialization when you explore something you really didn’t know before : learning a new language, a new instrument, meeting a new person. It’s like a deterritorialization in parenthesis, a short one : you plunge into something new then you go back to what you know.

Think : decisions to change, migration, tourism, economical transformations, political change, collaboration, curiosity, melting pot, interbreeding, exchange and switches. Apply the concept everywhere and see what you find!

You can also read this article about frontiers and movements.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!









Inner Travels are cheaper

I don’t travel, I never took a plane : I know I’m wrong. I knowwww!

I like to read books; though (I’m an astronomer, not an astronaut) about traveling.

Every tourist will say he’s “not a tourist”, but each good traveling authors speaks about other things than local shopping or visiting “what you have to see”. Carrière tells us that he founds many beautiful things in Agra, India, which are NOT the Taj Mahal. And there are others things to see in Paris than Le Louvre and the Eiffel Tower.

Deleuze says that traveling authors always finish by saying they were seeking… a father. Beckett has a character who says something like “We are stupid, but not stupid enough to travel as a leisure”.

Proust says that we travel to check something. Mmhhh?

I would imagine, like Deleuze again, an immobile travel. Or a VERY SLOW travel.

So I like to read about these. And I like to prepare a good inner travel, too. With books and Internet, you can travel through the American Civil War, or the French Revolution, the life of Faulkner or Bartok, Stanley Kubrick movies or whatever. Choose your study. It’s a travel. Learning a language too. I had a friend who travelled through India, learned the language, and got married there. Good!

OK, I’ll get a passport.

Have a nice day!



“A model is a lie that helps you see the truth” – H. Skipper

“A model is a lie that helps you see the truth” is a quote by Howard Skipper, an American doctor.

Here I try to extend this pattern, replacing “model” by cousin ideas : “pattern”, “structure”, “map”, etc.

So what? A “model” is not the real world, it’s a construction made to help us to understand the real world.

A MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY, right? A map is a LIE, it doesn’t give you changes, colors, moods, light, temperature and life. But it’s a useful, thought, for a purpose…

You can be very serious while modeling things (in Science) and an architect will build models (in cardboard or on computers), but you can also be a little casual “just to see what you’ll see”.

For example you can see each of these things : a school, a couple, or a battle, as : a machine, a living creature, a computer, a kingdom or a business company. If you “apply” your model, you’ll rule out something, but you’ll find interesting things too. Then, trash the model. Because it’s a LIE, of course!

A model is a construction made to help us to understand the real world.

It can be using a structure and also “a way to explain how it works”, moves and evolves. Let’s use the model of “a business company” to study “a married couple”. Who’s the CEO, how does the money flow, what are the goals, etc…

It can be more like a skeleton, a complex map of “what it is”, or a single archetypal word :

  • Mauss studied suicide or gift and made entire books about these. A way to search for “what is common”, the “fundamental characteristics”.
  • Simmel studied the bridge : it links two territories, it is a territory itself, it “shows itself” as a bridge, and it is a “will of connection” (over a river, for example).

Yes, this leads to Archetypes (Jung)

a statement, pattern of behavior, or prototype (model) which other statements, patterns of behavior, and objects copy or emulate

To Forms in philosophy (Plato)

pure forms which embody the fundamental characteristics of a thing in Platonism

and to the most precious diamond : the Symbol.

a symbol is a mark, sign, or word that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship. Symbols allow people to go beyond what is known or seen by creating linkages between otherwise very different concepts and experiences.

(All quotes from Wikipedia – I bolded some words)

Questions :

Who’s right? Skipper who uses the word “lie”, or Plato and Jung who seem to seek a “pure form”? Is all this a search for a link, common aspects in different things, or are these just tools to explore a concept , moving aside difficulties and details? Are you more interested in details, or structures? Why do we say that there are only a few ways to tell a story (Google : Seven Basic Plots)? What are the “order” games like MBTI, Zodiac or Enneagrams? Is a symbol the tiniest and more radioactive possible model?

Let’s say you’re introvert, fast, jealous, a father, a murderer or a valet. Is it a lie, because it’s true but way too simple (and a label on your face) – then you list the subtilities, the movements, the reasons, etc -, or is it a funny truth which could lead you to make decisions, or find other archetypes to think about?

You can also read : Ecceity

Yeahh, overthinking, I know…

Thanks for reading!





“Haecceity” : it’s about Labels on your Forehead – #Deleuze

Haecceity. I learned about this strange word in a book about Gilles Deleuze, a French Philosopher.

When we argue, when we talk, when we define ourselves, when you get an official letter, it puts a label on us. It says : “You are that”. So there!

It depends on the box, it depends how the society calls you :

Sociology, Psychology, Religion, Morals, Urbanism, Politics, Literature, Anthropology : every discipline PINS you on a board, as a woman, a muslim or a lover, a mother or a manager, et voilà!

The problem is WE ARE NOT AN ELEMENT OF A STOCK. We are human beings, and that implies that we are plugged, we change all along the day(s), we grow, we stop, we meet, etc.

Haecceity, says Deleuze, says that we should use more the word AND. Jean is a woman and a mother and a knitter and a fan of this group and has four good friends and likes France and just decided to divorce and plans to move and just began to blog and loves to bake with fruits, etc, she’s an INFINITY, and a moving one!

We are made of a series of events, of connections, of changes, and what defines us is our nature but also, a constant variation of plugs and deplugs, multi-events, joy, powers, feelings, intensities…

Wiki says :

Haecceity : the discrete qualities, properties or characteristics of a person that make it a particular thing. Haecceity is a person’s or object’s thisness.

There’s a danger is the way we write “We Are”, which label us and then put us “stuck in a stock”.

Deleuze says we are more accurately longitudes and latitudes, a group of different speeds and slownesses, an individual, a singularity, constantly inventing grapes of possibilities, a play of forces or encounters.

So play with words. Let people define you and other people. But don’t forget they are words. You are more than that.

There’s a article on WordPress about Deleuze’s singularities here.

Thanks for reading!

#bench #france #lille #rainyday

14 Ways of Disappearing

No more projects, no desire. Today we have many ways of disappearing, or being on the other bank of the river. This list comes from a French book named “Disparaître de soi”, from David Le Breton. I added some elements for this article. Disappear from yourself, from society, from awareness, let go… maybe for a moment?

  • Indifference, blank life, less social interactions, being no one, withdrawal. Just park.
  • Sleep, which is “to kill time without dying”.
  • Extreme sports, running, search of exhaustion.
  • Burn out and nervous breakdown.
  • Headlong rush. Sarcastic choices.
  • Immersing (into what you want : sex, love, Internet, passion, club, politics).
  • Otaku (complete cut from outside and real society). Screens only.
  • Virtuality and games, from the simplicity of Tetris to massive multiplayer videogames.
  • Anorexia and drugs : it frames your life to the extreme, keeping your brain busy.
  • Getting old, Alzheimer.
  • Disappearing really.
  • Obsession and control : Kondo, Food – rules, rules, rules.
  • Waldgänger (disappearing inside yourself), you don’t believe in the “game”.
  • Suicide.

To become imperceptible oneself, to have dismantled love in order to become capable of loving. To have dismantled one’s self in order finally to be alone and meet the true double at the other end of the line. A clandestine passenger on a motionless voyage. To become like everybody else; but this, precisely, is a becoming only for one who knows how to be nobody, to no longer be anybody. To paint oneself gray on gray.

Gilles Deleuze

What if you do the contrary of all this? You want to disappear, or you want… to be found?



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