Look at all the lonely people, Eleanor : Chronicle 62

Music is a pleasure of life, and it’s useful too. One day I realized that there are musics “for”.

  • Music to give birth to images. Imaginary landscapes or anything. Images.
  • Music decor.
  • Challenging musics you don’t understand. You need explanations. Or books. Exploration. Typical for me: Mahler.
  • Music can help you to work, to focus, to give brain energy.
  • Dancing in your house.
  • Musics for remembrance. Memories.
  • Music for energy.
  • Music to be together (concerts)

I wanted to write an article named “This Author? I have everything…”.

You probably have one, if you’re a reader, right? Or two.

I have everything (or almost) of Jünger, Proust, Chekhov, Faulkner, Valéry, Borges and Bernhard.

And you? Why?

Nietzsche: The Camel, The Lion, The Child. What are these?

Like what? Levels?

  1. The Camel is a carrier and he is strong. He’s a walker, a traveler. But also: “The camel develops the desire to unburden itself, take control of its own destiny and say its own “I will”.”
  2. The Lion needs to rule over the desert, to become a lord, struggling with existing lords, like the dragon who says “You shall”. The lion don’t say “I will”, he says “No”.
  3. Then, the Child. He’s at play: “The child is innocence and forgetfulness, a new beginning, a game, a self-propelling wheel, a first motion, a sacred Yes.”. Unburdened of many customs and conventions, he explores, changes, he creates!

Well I kind of like it.

There’s something about one Art lover who was in love with a well known painting, I don’t remember which one, but this painting was placed in a museum on another continent, thus the poor man had never really “seen” the painting. A TV channel proposed him to pay for everything, following the poor man with cameras. TV loves emotions!

At least, he’s put in front of it, puts his hand on his mouth and cries, overwhelmed with emotions, etc.

  • Or not: how can you be really moved when two cameras stand in front of you?
  • Or else: what do you feel when you’re “supposed” to feel something?
  • Or more: what if you don’t feel the expected, at all?

We’re here into the well known “be spontaneous paradox”. A vexing communication block occurs when one person requests or demands something from another that can only be given spontaneously – like trust, love, interest, acceptance, appreciation, desire, and respect.

The idea of “breaking the fourth wall” is always interesting, it’s a strangeization process, something unusual to catch back the audience…

It talks about a convention (in a play or a film, actors usually don’t talk to the audience), therefore it tells something about the director, “conventions breaker”, why, etc.

It can be done metaphorically, like: “This can be done through either directly referring to the audience, the play as a play, or the characters’ fictionality.

It’s about meta, about originality, about sympathy too : I love when Woody Allen in Annie Hall (I think) talks to the spectators in a middle of a scene (engaging, using me as a friend-witness, etc).


The Muslims veil says “I don’t want to show you my hair”.


What are my Third Path Pattern?

  • I have to choose A or B – I choose C
  • I have to choose A or B – I choose both

What are yours?

Is there a Tim Burton problem? Of course you’ll find his last interviews where he says he’s a bit tired, and he’s aware of every artist “loss of inspiration”.

My Tim Burton problem is the pattern “cult and original and so different”, but the… mainstream way. It’s a bit like the goth culture problem, they feel and dress “so different” but the whole thing is always the same and predictable (clothes, music, moods) AND they always gather to be… together.

So: mist, black things, cemeteries, weird trees, etc. Burtonesque.

Sometimes it’s marvelous (Nightmare Before Christmas!), most of the time I roll my eyes, sigh (Alice, etc).

Thanks for reading!

PS : Grammarly doesn’t work properly in the new WordPress “block” editor. Any clue to make it work?

PS 2 : http://www.theindierockplaylist.com/

Dwindling Ideas & Wobbly Recoveries for bloggers

Hi everyone!

In this penultimate day (and maybe article) of the year, I discovered this verb : “To peter out” (never heard this before); then “to dwindle”. That’s so charming that I played with them (aweeee “dwindling“) for my title.

Look at this Nietzsche quote :

A Sigh. I caught this notion on the way, and rapidly took the readiest, poor words to hold it fast, so that it might not again fly away. But it has died in these dry words, and hangs and flaps about in them and now I hardly know, when I look upon it, how I could have had such happiness when I caught this bird.

Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Fourth Book, 298


We bloggers sometimes catch a great idea at the weirdest moments : at work, when we drive, when we shower. Darn it!

And we all know this feeling : this idea is mixed up with a rush, a fast and blossoming urge to write it down, to develop it in a cool article to share. It’s a sigh, a wind, a light, a force. You are so happy you caught it…

Well, the most common event is that you will totally forget what it was about, as soon as you’re ready to write. You then have this terrible moment : you’re stuck in immobility, closing your eyes in silence, trying to find in your mind any string to pull, a path to it, anything. But the marvelous idea stays hidden in the deepest waters of your worn out brain…

Hopefully it’ll grow bigger until you catch it back, like the fish. Unlikely, right?

All petered out, off, down, whatever.

But the subject of this article is different : it’s when you remembered your weaved “idea & rush”, you drove this pack down into words on your computer, but… it’s parked dead in the end. It dwindled into a “WTF I don’t care anymore”. You lost it. The idea is there, but the steam is not. No life. You lost something but you don’t know what. Dry words. Article incompleteness.

In the end, you can trash it, or let it macerate in your draft section on WordPress. Maybe wait the day after? Sometimes it works. Next morning, jump up from your bed, have a coffee and read over your mess. Maybe (maybe) you’ll hear the engine pre-roar… You go girl!

What will happen likely is that you will publish this wobbly and patched article, like it is. A bit bitter unhappy, but hoping it’ll inspire something to someone somewhere.


If you’re lucky, an hour later, while you commute to work, you’ll feel a lightbulb over your head, une ampoule électrique : you found the rush back, it’s now full of light, at least!

Until you’re back in front of your computer?


Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!


Instagram : jasonnocito666

Refuse, Refute, Recuse : a game for conversation lovers…

This is a word game for seed lovers, conversation connoisseurs…

You’ll probably find this article vain, or useless. I offer it to word gold diggers only.

OK. Definitions :

  • To refute is to (or trying to) prove something is false or incorrect.
  • To recuse is an “act of intention” : it’s to affirm something is not true. It’s rejection, that’s all. It’s a “Nope”.

What I want to expose here is to remember that to refute is kind of serious. To recuse can be a game. You can recuse an idea, a statement… for fun. Or for the pleasure to examine the “other way”, the wrong one (why not) : just to see what can, could happen.

When I find a “smart quote”, I recuse it. I’m immediately searching for a way to say the contrary AND to show it’s true TOO.

A good conversationalist is a concept lover. Therefore, he or she is able to play that game. Pick an idea, recuse is. That’s all. Now you’re in front of an unknown territory.

Without music, life would be a mistake“, says Nietzsche. OK. But wait : NO!

The tool is : Find a person you want to play with, pick an idea which seems… obvious, and… recuse it! Say no! “Nope! It’s the contrary!”. Then, have fun. Talk about sex, love, art, war, business, everything anything. Have fun, and send me a kiss.

Bonne journée ! Have a nice day!



Instagram : hornsarahberlin

“Become who you are”, is it what Pindar said?

A kid is watching a sculptor working. Days after, he comes back and is in a awe in front of the completed statue, asking to the artist : “How did you know there was a man into it??”.

Pindar was a Greek poet (he died in 443 BC). I don’t know his work BUT I always meet his silhouette, his tone, his quotes, in texts from authors I like  – this pattern, indeed, could become an article one day…

Today I met Pindar in a dictionary about Nietzsche, who wrote to Lou Andreas Salomé : “Become who you are”.


This really sounded like a stupid smart ass self-help quote, almost written in capitals before an ugly sunset above a road (symbol!) cutting a field in two, eeek!

But if Nietzsche studied Pindar, well…

What did Pindar say, really? Wikipedia proposes these :

  • Become such as you are, having learned what that is
  • Be what you know you are
  • Be true to thyself now that thou hast learnt what manner of man thou art
  • Having learned, become who you are


In my French book and on the web, I found :

  • May you become who you are by learning
  • Be as you learned to know you
  • Become what you are by learning who you are

These are 6 different ways to translate Pindar! The pack just threw a fistful of seeds on your table. And I prefer the last one already…

Man could study diaries and interviews of thinkers, or great artists and writers, trying to find what they said about this idea of “becoming themselves”. It could sound… mundane, but I think it could be interesting. For example, many artists say at the end of their life that “Less is More”, right? What other pattern do we often find?

It’s a strange idea, right? As if, like a sculptor with a big block of wood, we were all spending our lives trying to find what man or woman was hidden in the block, already here…

Is it only “by learning who you are”? How so? What do we win when we do that? Are we stronger, smarter? What’s the horror in not becoming the real one? What if we were mistaken all along? Working in a bad manner? What happens when you discover it in the middle of your life? What if we had “many” us to discover? Facets? Is it some work really to discover and become who we are, or are we, like some, the prey of destiny, accidents and betrayals?

Here I ask my readers : what do you think about this idea, which seems mundane and worldly-wise at the same time? For you, is it an empty concept or a good seed for thinkers?

Thanks for reading!


WhatsApp Image 2017-08-06 at 14.54.46.jpeg






Words and Concepts are Liars

“Through words and concepts we are still con­tinually misled into imagining things as being simpler than they are, sep­arate from one another, indivisible, each existing in and for itself”.

Nietzsche, Human All Too Human

This is huge. I think every thinker is aware of this problem. Words and concepts put us in cages, we “think” they explain or describe reality, but they are NOT. Words simplify things, it’s very convenient, to analyze, to draw maps for the mind. But they are not enough.

Poets and photographs know this very well. They work BETWEEN the words, in subtleties and complexity.

It’s ALWAYS more complex than we think.

It why I wrote so many times about labels. If you discover your son is autistic or gifted, you immediately put him in a “box with a label“, and it’s a forever thing!

But there are millions of shades, and each of them… are moving, changing, evolving.

So we often think we know, but we don’t. We don’t know anybody, for example. We’re all islands, we’re complex, we have many faces, and we change along the days.

You can say : “He’s sad”, but you’ll never know how it moves, and how much sad he is, and if it is colored with sarcasm, suicide ideas, or hidden hope. You don’t know if he is aware of all that. You have to talk for a long time with him, to know.

Words are dangerous because they make you more stupid. We have to use them, because it’s the way we communicate, but we constantly need to remember their weakness.

Have a nice day!


Instagram : itspeteski

A Way of Being in a Hole : Inventing Dawn

There are many ways to deal with depression, darkness, and feeling you’re stuck in a hole. You can cry alone, find someone who can help, you can complain, you can stay silent, you can think, you can fight to find your light, you can try to invent sparkles, you can be sarcastic, or become crazy, you can feel hope, or despair, you can wait, you can kill yourself.

Or you can invent your dawn.

Well, yes, it’s a feeling, or a decision, I don’t know. You’re in your dark hole like a forgotten filthy dog. Maybe you receive (or invent) your calling – it’s time. Maybe you just decide to move not your ass but your spirit.

You clean your sky from old squeaky moral rules, from guilt. You clean the pessimism. You want to increase your knowledge like a minstrel, a knight, a free spirit. Your refusal is joyful. You can almost guess and feel some new delights.

Rebirth. Convalescence. Regeneracy. Transition. A smell of new territories and above all : a new way to explore.

Jump out! You go girl!

Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!




Letting go, but hear Nietzsche creak : Chronicle 13

“La lecture est vraiment la volupté des temps incertains”
“Reading is really the delight of uncertain times”

Jean Giono


Foucault says that he is tired of comments about “respecting” Nietzsche’s philosophy. The only mark of recognition or gratitude he wants to show to his work and mind is precisely to USE it, to deform it, to make is creak.

This is exactly how I consider philosophy and widerly my two “shelves for seeds” : an ensemble of books which are whole tooboxes. I know my blog is creaking at time, but I find it funny and maybe I hope useful at times.



Somebody told me one day a disturbing thing : “You are a better photographer than blogger”. Well… thank you? Little by little, this idea found its path in my mind. I bought a book about photography, and three days ago I woke up my old Canon bridge camera.

Everything you see on this article comes from it. I loved to take them.

But, well, I keep blogging, though 🙂

Thank you!



Jünger asks :

“What are the low-down forms of gaiety?”



Shikantaza, in Zen Buddhism, literally means,”nothing but precisely sitting.”

Learn how to “let go”, nondoing, nonthinking…

Question is :

How not to think about nonthinking? And how not to want… nonwill?



When I talk with 30 and 40 years old people, we’re about the same. I maybe have lost some more illusions.

There’s one big difference, only one, though. Les vieux fous sont plus fous que les jeunes : old fools are more fool than young ones.

I am absolutely NOT an adventurer, but on my field, on my territory, I would dare and I dare much more. I don’t care about “baby steps” anymore. Life is pretty short, and I’m not afraid. Rules (inner rules and society pressure too) can really be moved. Between two choices, I pick both.

So the difference, when I’m fifty, is : I propose much more, and I listen to propositions with many “YES” in my basket, all ready. What could happen, after all? I’m ready.



Le temps porte conseil : en général celui de ne rien faire.

Claude Roy

If I rawtranslate this, I get “Time brings counsel : which is in general to do nothing”.

I googled and found that in English, time does not brings counsel, but “Time will tell”; this is a bit different, right?

More common, “la nuit porte conseil” : Night brings counsel. There, I found :

  • Night is the mother of counsel
  • Take advice of your pillow
  • Sleep on it

And, oh my, that’s so true!…

Thanks for reading!




Proust & les Hirondelles : Chronicle 4

Absolutely no cunning could prevent a man
from being smashed against his dreams


I’m French, I’m sorry : my english is clumsy these days…

Have you ever visited the school you were in as a very little child, now you’re an adult? Among all the memories and the heartbeats you feel, you also find that… everything around is very little, right? You’re taller, now… you’re different. Perspective.

Today is the “braderie” in the city of La Madeleine. We love braderies in the North of France. It’s like your US garage sales, all along some streets : today was about 1.200 exhibitors (or displayers, how to say that?). I took a cool picture of motorbikes toys, you like it?


I’ve been asked one day about my “goals in life“. I have been very disturbed by this question, which is so… all about efficiency. I couldn’t think of a goal, even one. I feel like Cioran, in shock and in anger, after being asked about what he was “preparing”. If a French says he has “goals” in life, he sounds ridiculously Action Man, that’s it. The idea itself is a nightmare – at least when you’re more than 22 years old. I don’t want to be efficient, I just try to live, right? Dreams, maybe… Dreams, OK.

Absolutely no cunning could… etc…

I’m too lazy to find it, but the stupidest quote ever is something like “Give yourself a very high goal, then maybe you’ll reach a lower but good stage”. Of course there’s a more accurate one, saying that while you try to do that, you fail choosing the right path to achievement, you stay blind to feedbacks, etc. Typical Wrong Way Up. Well yes, these are words only, I know.

I have no goal, not one. It could be “to be happy” or “to be creative” or “to be a better human” or “to help others”, but I already failed in all these fields, obviously! And who will feed my cat, while I John Wayne?

If you want some fun, though, Google Image “Goals Quotes”. Plenty of orders in capitals. Like : <<DON’T LET ANYTHING STOP YOU FROM REACHING YOUR GOAL>>. Ohlalalaa, my French eyes are hurt! I need a beer, I think.

So I found a goal : stay zen in front of bullsh*t 🙂


It’s when the weather change (warmer air, higher sun, sudden showers) than you can have a rush of childhood memories. Or teenhood, say. Suddenly it’s HERE, you feel the same feeling you had in your mother’s arms, or at school when you were loving some shy redhead in silence, or when you were gathering interesting rocks under open sky. The idea of memories in Madeleines de Proust come from the food, but also from a smell (freshly cut grass, chocolate cake baking, little pot of white glue in kindergarten) or a sound (of swallows flying hunting between streets, or the familiar engine’s roar of you’re father’s car), but also from the light in the air, the clouds, a coming thunderstorm…

Marguerite Duras says somewhere that she can NOT write if the bed is not made. Strange thing is : I never forgot that, because… that’s true.

I bought a Raymond Carver book, “The American Chekhov”, as they say. I know Carver’s work pretty well, but I never read him in English. Good exercise. I can’t resist to a blurb on a book saying “The (Italian, Canadian, whatever country you choose) Chekhov”…

They have something in common, that’s right : they watch meticulously our little renunciations, our microscopic failures, our rushes never said, our words, spoken and immediately regretted, our love silliness, our boredom. But it’s not “laments”. It’s more like : “This is it, brother human, and it not even THAT dramatic”.

I found a rose, there. Is a rose, is a rose, Mrs Stein. Look where she is (“une rose”) :


In the shades of break-up moods, you have the yellow poison of jealousy, the dark corners of loneliness, the twinge of uncertainty and many more. The invisible bitterness of “having being loved and then not” is sometimes like swimming against the cold current of a long deep river.

In the shades of illness… Oh, another time, OK?

You can read books (or see a therapist, it depends on how you’re made), self help or philosophy : you’ll read everywhere that you have to find your happiness inside you, right? Again? I “have to”? The capitalized ORDER quote is <<BE HAPPY AND SMILE>>. Yes, each time, you want to punch the author in the face! Bim! Paf! Pouf!

Give birth to a dancing star from the chaos you have within

Strange star, but that could be my Nietzsche goal, maybe… Well, see?

Thanks for reading! Merci!


What doesn’t kill you makes you str… No it kills you! #Nietzsche

Nietzsche wrote “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger”, ain’t it… satisfying?

In action movies, it’s a strong frowned eyebrows phrase, and then let’s go fight the evil evilness!

In a self-help book, it’s more like a hidden injunction. “You suffer? OK! But not too long, please! Now stand up and move forward”, you’ll heal, blah blah and triple blah.

In reality, what doesn’t kill you… leaves deep scars, lets you feel miserable for a long time, puts your game all puzzled down on the ground. You’re done, bawl a bit and all.

But, aaaaall right. Stand up. It did not kill you, right? One more scar, it’s charming. Weaker maybe, you’ll hide it. You’ll find a way, and will do your best. I hope so!

Amor Fati, because you have too.

Thanks for reading!


Don’t think about the color “Blue” for a minute…


Let’s imagine I dislike George Michael. I hate his music. So here I am building a web page about that : “I hate GM !”. I write daily articles about everything I hate, his nose, his voice, his life, etc.

Until I realize I hate George Michael and I’m thinking about him all day long. I harvest things for my blog. I hunt. I spit words. I am obsessed by someone I don’t want to think about. Smart !


Don’t think about the color “Blue” for a minute…

Mmmhhh ?…


As I’m constantly reading slices of books, I one day read something in my sofa, from Nietzsche, and two hours later, in triangles of sun (see picture below), from André Suares (I will find the quotes soon and put it there). Both were talking about people banning sex from their life. They were both noticing that when you do that, you have like a black hole in the center of your brain, thinking about sex constantly.

Work for a Temperance Movement, become an activist : you will be in a position where you talk about… alcohol and sex constantly !

Tool :

If you hate George, just don’t pay attention to him. Breathe. If you want to think about the color blue, think of it, it’s not that dramatic. If you want to have a drink, just relax and have a glass of wine. If you need peace, don’t build a block castle : listen to some Royksopp and dance with what’s around. Dialog. Or not. Solemn drama or dolphin casualness ?

I suggest Coming Home.


The Flight Excites the Hunter



“Without Music Life would be a Mistake” ? Nope…

“Without Music Life would be a Mistake”

You can find this quote from Nietzsche on all kinds of tee-shirts.

In fact, you can replace “Music” with some other pleasant words, like “Wine”, or “Love”, or “Philosophy”, “Fashion”, who cares ? Is it an order, some kind of pressure ?

Of course, without music life would not be a mistake AT ALL.

The Persuaders

If you suddenly take seriously how music is important to people, you’ll be SO surprised that you will be floored. I use this “floored” expression because I’m french and I LOVE it. Floored, you on the floor, voilà pour vous.

I asked about the opera, one day. One loves opera because of the magic of the place. Some because of the archetypal terrible stories. For some others, it’s the performance of the singers (ahhhh the “high notes” !). Some guys are in love with one voice only (Callas !). Some guys love only one composer (Wagner, or for me : Puccini). Many love opera and only opera. You can find fools who love to collect all versions of the same thing. Etc.

Elephant Woman

You should and you have to think about it when you want to SHARE a music. You give YouTube links to your lover and most all the time you’ll be surprised. She doesn’t care. What moves you does nothing to the others.

Personaly I love risky modulations (I love Mike Oldfield, John Barry, Progressive Rock and Royksopp, and Puccini, and Prokofiev for this reason). I love to analyse production (Floors of sound in Depeche Mode Violator, different veils in Brian Eno’s work). I love crescendos. I love when the magic is hidden in a mist (Royksopp, Blonde Redhead). I love David Sylvian’s voice. OK I stop here. What about YOU ?

Brilliant Trees

Some like an era (the sixties !), a style (new wave !), an energy (dance !), an attitude (punk !), a flow (rap !), productors (Trevor Horn ?), a sound, a label (4AD), a social field (gothic culture), a movement (house), a nostalgy (“I listened to The Police when she kissed me !”), the singer (Arctic Monkeys oh he’s so cute)…

Tools :

Oh, just this : It’s always more complicated.

Do not think that you have a human typology in mind. You’re wrong.

(and fuck Nietzsche on this quote)



The 25% Casualness of Movie Masters

Three-quarter Strength.  A work that is meant to give an impression of health should be produced with three-quarters, at the most, of the strength of its creator.  If he has gone to his farthest limit, the work excites the observer and disconcerts him by its tension.  All good things have something lazy about them and lie like cows in the meadow.

Nietzsche – Human, All Too Human

If you understand Nietzsche and you push this concept on the movies-area, you’ll find that there are many “too much tension” (and too many ideas) movies in the world. They are great, but only real masters manage to reach what I could call the Three-Quarter Strength Quality, merci Nietzsche. Casualness or nonchalance ? What is it exactly ?

Intention of effect kills the effect. When all levers (virtuosity, music, speed, invention, scénario, whatever) are pulled, it’s interesting, fascinating, intense, but you miss something. It’s exhausting

You find the Three-Quarter Strength Quality in some movies of Fellini (oh these lights moving on the walls in 8 1/2), in Godard (are these really “errors” in Breathless ?), even in Spike Lee’s work. There are useless dialogs in some Wes Anderson’s movies. The cheap budget of Serenity is totally accepted. Think also about all the oblique explanations in Twin Peaks. John Ford has his own way of “to not insist” on a good scene. Add John Huston’s Prizzi’s Honor. Grifters (Frears). Etc…

It’s a easyness, a casualness, an actor taking his time, a scenario which does not explain everything, a flaw in a camera movement, some rules not really followed at times…

When you know, you’ll notice this in many great movies. It’s powerful !

Tools & Levers : My, it’s easy to understand. Apply this Nietzsche thought to your work, your invention, your writing. Be smart, 25% casual, breathe, and you go girl !

(and OK I’m french, I wrote this with a little more than 25% of nonchalance, sorry)



Waldgänger uses the forest

Waldgänger is a german word we could translate as “Forest Goer”. It’s a state of mind archetype, an inner way of standing in life. It means : staying where you are, but you don’t believe in what you live anymore…

Wald means “forest” – a Walgänger is someone who retreats into the forest.

Many similar representations exist, and are more common. In fact, to define what a Waldgänger is, it’s maybe easy to tell what it is not…

It’s not a rebel (against), nor an otaku (cut), nor an ermite (far). You don’t go away. You just retreat inside. And you stay there. You are different, suddenly, but nobody knows it.

You become a Waldgänger when you step aside inside of your mind. You are stuck into a game, a situation, and you don’t believe in it anymore. You make “as if”, but inside of you, you are out. You watch. Maybe you contemplate the disaster. You don’t play the game anymore. Or as if. And you know what : you are invisible. It can happen to you, but you can decide it, too. It’s maybe a struggle with yourself (“Protect me from what I want”, says Jenny Holzer). You don’t tell.


Tool provided by Nietzsche :

a kind of most profound self-reflection and self-recovery that desires to avoid, not “temptations,” but “duties”: an escape from the daily round; a detachment from the tyranny of stimuli and influences that condemns us to spend our strength in nothing but reactions and does not permit their accu- mulation to the point of spontaneous activity

…which leads to La Culture à réaction, or why “Luxury is Insular”…

The other one is easy, logical : you become a Waldgänger to avoid becoming crazy. It’s a inner retreat. You don’t move, you don’t “quit”, you don’t rebel : you watch and don’t believe in what to see. And nobody knows it. Waldgänger state is alone. But you can think…