Essays & Acknowledgments (& Types)

I read much more essays than novels, therefore I read introductions, prefaces, and… acknowledgments. I read them, because the list – and the way the author presents the list – tells something.

There are Types :

  1. The assistant (who helped to gather or organize informations)
  2. The editor (who brought energy and I-believe-in-yous)
  3. The colleague (who pointed out problems in the text or provided ideas for chapters)
  4. The spouse (for his/her unfailing support)
  5. The friend (who helped blossoming with his/her constant questions)
  6. The friend (and his/her potential enthusiasm)
  7. The influencer
  8. The predecessor (“this essay takes over from…”)
  9. The ignorant (towards whom (oh crap, is this even English?) the author had to explain, therefore helped to think “readers”)
  10. The collaborator (who provided elements or parts of the essay)
  11. The spellchecker (can be the friend or the spouse, ha)
  12. The leader (who asked the author to write for a bigger project, for example)
  13. The muse (just being him/her – radioactive influence)
  14. The Obi Wan Kenobi figure (a master who can propel you with a single sentence)


Who else?


Do you have any of these for your… blog? Would you need one? Why?


Have a nice day!




2 thoughts on “Essays & Acknowledgments (& Types)

  1. Anthony Haynes January 9, 2018 / 9:07 am

    No. 2 involves several types: series editor; commissioning/acquisitions editor; copy-editor.

    In addition, there are proofreaders. Very occasionally, the indexer gets a mention to.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. tinaor January 9, 2018 / 12:49 pm

    I guess writers sometimes need all or many of these ‘helps’. Just a thought that occasionally one may hinder the other – think ‘spouse’ who supports but also criticise unwittingly. Or is that just my spouse ….?

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