“Amor Fati” is a Love of Fate #Tango ! #SequereDeum

Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

William Shakespeare

Amor Fati what?? Wait wait wait, don’t worry. Latin in involved, but it’s easy and useful.

Let’s translate : amor fati says “love of fate”.

Wikipedia “Amor Fati” : It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one’s life, including suffering and loss, as good or, at the very least, necessary, in that they are among the facts of one’s life and existence, so they are always necessarily there whether one likes them or not.

And in fact, you’ll find all kinds of “shades” about “accepting reality”, in literature, in reality, in books :

If you’re an amputee after an accident, you can go from terrible distress to grey resignation to “what do I do, now”, to… you know where I’m going, right ? Aren’t we all fascinated by people who blossom AFTER a terrible event?

It’s just an example, but you got me : Amor Fati contains Amor : “one sees everything that happens in one’s life, including suffering and loss, as good or, at the very least, necessary“. Of course, it’s not “necessary”, but, as says Shakespeare, you can embrace it, though.

Seeing life as a Tango, a continuous creative almost oriental dance, is just a thing that we can consider. It is certainly not resignation, but the love of what is given to us. Even if it’s hard. Use this tool with a combination of Propensity, and… you’ll see!

Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart

Marcus Aurelius


Thanks for reading!


<< Confine yourself to the present >>

Marcus Aurelius


Instagram : charlottabramow & amcaptures



Tout gain s’accompagne d’une perte – Every gain involves loss

OK I’m french. My english is a frenglish, it’s rusty and wobbly, et voilà. Try me, though. I’ll do my best. I promise. If sometimes it’s too bad, just laugh at me or roll you eyes.

Every gain involves loss ?

Ça pourrait être : Economy. Or some Levi Strauss. Or Beckett maybe ?


When I was a student, I read something about Prokofiev. It was before the Internet, so I walked in the city (the mood of the sky ? See picture below – I remember it), entered the library, found a Deutsch Grammophon CD – Ozawa ! – borrowed it and I brought it home.

I read the booklet, and listened to the 2 CDs for two weeks. Many, many times. I explored it. It was precious ! Of course, as a 20 years old young man, I was moved by the Montagues And Capulets strange modulations zigzagguing music.

What about today ? Que se passe-t-il, aujourd’hui ?

A young female student hears that music in a movie, ohhhh ! She just writes “Prokofiev” in YouTube and get 408.000 results. If she’s smart, she tries the Russian way to write it : “Прокофьев“, to get… 42.100 more movies.

See me coming, don’t you ? The whole thing is just here. But… do we focus the same way, when the choice is that big ? No ! No no no, and no. Every gain involves loss. You just wander into the océan of the musique de Prokofiev, et voilà pour vous.

This “dial/lever/tool” text is not about scale of knowledge and the blissfull possibilité to get lost in it. I should write another one, un autre jour.

Dial/Lever/Tool : Observe what you have. Imagine you’re 30 years before. How would it be, then ? What if you put something aside ? What if you close some possibilities ? What if, as a photographer, you get back to film ? If every gain involves loss, what have you lost, then, with the vast “new thing” ? What will you do to recover that ? What if you had to keep 100 books in your shelves.

Is “Every loss involves gain” right ?

And what is the way to link this concept to the Wrong Way Up ?
