Decisions Traps

This is probably dishonest to open a book and to read the summary only. Back on the shelves. Summaries are sometimes enough to seed your brain!

Just did it with a book about decisions – seen as a multi-trap territory. Interesting, right?

TRAPS, what are they?

  1. Too good to be wrong trap : a great story seems in front of you
  2. Imitation trap : it worked there, it’ll work here
  3. Intuition trap : I feel it’ll work then it will
  4. Too much trust trap : Just do it and it’ll be OK
  5. Inertia trap : when we think we control everything
  6. We know the risks trap : nope
  7. Time horizons : it’ll happens “soon”, or “in a long time”
  8. The group trap : everybody does this thus I’ll do it
  9. Conflict of interests : bad diagnostics and bias (often money)


Do you take decisions? Where would you use that? therefore what?


Have a nice day!

