The “Part of Shadow” according to C.G. #Jung : an investigation

As usual, everywhere you will read or hear this advice : “Kill your demons!”. A few days ago a friend of mine sent me the contrary :

Feed Your Demons

Haha, of course I liked it! And I remembered the concept of Shadow, from C.G. Jung. This needed an inquiry.

Evidently I found quotes :

“How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole.” C.G. Jung

“Kill off all my demons and my angels might die too.” Tennessee Williams

“Wherever there is human nature, there is drama.” Agatha Christie

Of course, psychoanalysis doesn’t really “know” what is this strange concept of Shadow. An Archetype? A dark part of the subconscious? Jung says it’s :

“inferior, primitive, inappropriate, unfortunate, but not absolutely bad”. 

I explored a little (it is an inquiry, and I am just an ideas forager) and found these :

  • The Shadow is hidden, and resists the analysis.
  • It’s an archetypal force, a character.
  • It bursts at some moments. When you lose your mind, it’s your Shadow taking control. People say, then, someone touched a raw nerve. You seem incoherent.
  • It’s felt like a negative, strong force, it’s frightening for you, it’s frightening for others.
  • You can’t and shouldn’t kill or tame your Shadow. You have to know it, how it’s triggered, and accept it’s in you, powerful and dark.
  • The Shadow speaks to you sometimes, in dreams.
  • The Shadow is what your refuse to see or recognize in you.
  • The Shadow is also made of your inner capabilities you couldn’t develop.
  • So the Shadow is like your dead twin, hidden in you, weakened or weird.
  • If you are shy, your Shadow is probably a strong personality. If you’re an adventurer, your Shadow is maybe a coward in slippers.
  • What we hate or fear in other people is because it’s similar with our own Shadow.
  • Yes, Darth Vader is absolutely like an incarnation of the Shadow (masked, dark, family).
  • Jekyll & Hyde, Beauty & Beast are stories about a Shadow made alive.
  • The Shadow is a Force, it’s primitive and childish, it can help you, it can be the source of your development.
  • Some weakened aspect of the Shadow are forgotten or shy qualities. You just were not allowed or have the force to grow them.
  • Apparition of the Shadow is often triggered by something external. A situation, or someone.
  • It’s so strong that you look that this guy riding the back of a Tiger. It’s dangerous, but full of power.
  • In a crowd, the Shadows of all the people can be mobilized…
  • The Shadow is maybe linked to the Collective Unconscious.
  • Your Shadow can not be tamed. Be you can get to know her/him. And be friends, eventually.

There are books about this, of course. It’s a fantastic concept who can be :

  1. a tool (how will you use and know your Shadow?)
  2. a lever (which is the door to this creature)
  3. a dial (watch you when you act incoherent, in burst, in anger – and watch the people around you, your lover and others).


Thanks for reading !

Feel free to follow me (bottom right of this page, yes, there).

Have a nice day. And feed your demon 🙂




Photo : Instagram : kersti__k


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