Intentional Maladjustments & Braiding Assessments

Here are a few pictures where I put the cursor incorrectly. Maladjustments.

Too much grain from too big ISO. Unfocusing. Underexposing. Motion blur from opening too long. Overexposing…

Et tout ça intentionnellement ! Of course, most of the time, it’s intentional…

AndI wanted first to write an article from it, something like :

In what other fields do we (or could we) invent intentional maladjustments? Poetry? Teaching? Architecture? Why? What does it bring?


I think it’s one of the core of this blog. My state of mind does this all the time. I watch a bunch of pictures, and it’s automatically weaving : I braid assessments, from the simple (I like it/I don’t) grow branches of analysis : How is it made? What does the photographer want? And in the hole pack, where’s the structure/pattern?

And a few more, probably, but I stop here because it’s three. A braid – in French, c’est une tresse…

The structure I show here is : intentional maladjustments.

The guy who invented penicillin shows another structure : serendipity, or fortunate discovery – which is very amusing to explore, leading to one of the most pleasant quote I ever found (from Pasteur) :

Chance favors the prepared mind


I finish with this question : how do you use this “mental gymnastics” process (the game of finding structures)? Why is it useful? When could it be useless, or even harmful?

In front of Art (example : “The Unhinger” : Manet’s Le Déjeuner sur l’Herbe (1863) is a MESS), do you just plunge into it, finding beauty, or do you immediately want to read about it or meet the artist, to understand what he wants (in him/for you)?

Have a nice day!




The traditional version of this story describes the discovery as a serendipitous accident: in his laboratory in the basement of St Mary’s Hospital in London, Fleming noticed a Petri dish containing Staphylococci that had been mistakenly left open was contaminated by blue-green mould from an open window, which formed a visible growth. There was a halo of inhibited bacterial growth around the mould. Fleming concluded that the mould released a substance that repressed the growth and caused lysing of the bacteria.

Wrong Way Up and… the game of “finding structures”




“Attention to the World” Thinker’s Game : Patterns

I had a friend who was able to detect a Duke Ellington track in a few seconds.

“He has a pattern”, she told me – “Even if I’ve never heard the song.”

That’s amazing!

It depends on where you’re thinking, but I will alway admire people who are able to “feel” a pattern. You’re like : “Oh my!” – these “thinker type” people have a certain type of attention to the world with signifies something…

In France we DON’T use this word. Worse : we don’t use it “that” way.

We say : He has a signature.

If it’s about a recurrent behavior, we say “C’est un type de comportement”. If you talk about design, we say “un motif” (like in “a circle pattern”).

The closest thing we say is : signature. But IT IS different. A signature is more like a “way you do things that makes is obvious it’s you”, right?

So I assert that THIS concept of “pattern” is Anglo-Saxon (or maybe protestant?). I learnt this way of patterning behaviors and creativity with America’s culture.

Of course in music I could detect a Brian Eno or a Mike Oldfield piece with patterns, but that’s too easy. In Classical Music, it begins to be more tricky. I listen to the radio and I play with myself : Sibelius or Dvorak? Debussy or Ravel? It’s not the sound any more, it’s not signature, it’s… a way.

The little screams of Michael Jackson, the spluttering drums of Stewart Copeland (The Police), the screens in Brian de Palma‘s movies, the way the sound overlays different scenes in Godard’s movies : all are a signature. You SEE it.

A PATTERN is different, it’s DEEPER, it’s hidden. You have to have a certain use, a certain SKILL to detect a pattern. It is NOT obvious.

In a way, it’s why I wrote an article called “Constantly Random is an Instagram Flaw”. I don’t show my signature, but I know I have patterns, and I know some people feel it – I hope they like it.

My friend of the beginning of this article was like me : she was listening to rock-pop and knew it was USA or UK within SECONDS. They have a pattern, right?

Genesis, John Barry, Gentle Giant, Oasis : they pattern it. But where?

Well, voilà. This need a conversation.

It could begin like

“Are there French patterns?”…

Have a nice day!



#INFJ & #INTJ & the Tango Feeling/Thinking

“Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.”

To say it very quickly, Henri Bergson, a French philosopher, says there are 2 ways to know something : Analysis is “turning around” the thing, it gives you a map, but Intuition is about “entering” it, it’s the only way to “feel” what is the thing. That makes sense, right?

Well, I linked this with the two MBTI families, INFJ (F is for Feeling) and INTJ (T is for Thinking).

What is YOUR way of appreciating things? Do you think, or do you feel?

I think I’m obsessed with the idea of weaving a braid with two opposite tools. Reason & Feeling, Numbers & Harmony, Improvisation & Schedules, Slow & Fast, etc. I constantly play with the idea of weaving them.

  • Maybe you are, like me, a INTFJ?
  • Maybe you like to be moved by a symphony AND to know how it’s built?
  • Maybe you like to have projects AND to decide thing in a second.
  • Maybe you invent poetry with your nose in the wind AND you organize words precisely while you write.
  • Maybe you like to decide and organize things AND you pray God at the same time?

So… when I do tests about MBTI I find myself a INTJ, but sometimes a INFJ. I feel like the French knight with a sword in a hand and an axe in the other. I hope you appreciate my power! 🙂

Why thinking couldn’t weave feeling?

Thanks for reading. Have a nice weekend!


Instagram : nachoyague